Benefits of Upgrading Classic Truck Wiring Harnesses

Benefits of Upgrading Classic Truck Wiring Harnesses

I really see the value in replacing a wiring harness from end to end. It just makes everything so much easier. That is the case, at least, when discussing classic trucks. If you have to do a full wiring harness replacement on a new vehicle, it would probably be less trouble to have someone steal it and go buy another one with the insurance money. Talk about an endless summer project.

I’m Beginning To See the Light

With a new wiring harness, you get a lot of fringe benefits. In the process of swapping it in, you have the opportunity to replace all those burned out light bulbs hiding in the upper quadrant of the dash cluster. Of course, if you still want to use your flashlight to check the oil pressure, you can always dial the illumination level down to zero and have things the way you are used to.

Who Knew I Had One of Those?

All the old rusty grounds get buffed up, so there is no need to smack the dash when the windshield wipers go all intermittent on you. One or more of your gauges and indicators might finally work again once you replace that lead your older brother broke off in 1991.

Since you can upgrade your new wiring harness, you gain the capacity to safely handle additional hardware that the original one was never engineered to handle. Think of all the raging electric fans, blinding lights, and blasting sound systems you can add. No longer will you break out into a sweat every time you drive through a big standing puddle of water.

To Everything There Is a Season

With wiring harnesses, it is always important to remember the golden rule of installation: do it while everything else is torn apart. If the seats are out, the engine is on the stand, and the transmission is down at the builder, that is the perfect time to rip everything out and start over again. If you put the whole project together and then discover that you need, not want, to replace your wiring harness, you are going to kick yourself for days on end.

Make it easy on yourself, both now and on some future rainy Saturday night out in the boonies. Need a wiring harness for your '69-'72 Blazer? Visit our 1972 Blazer parts page and enter your vehicle at top.

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